
作者:简简单单 2009-03-14

(function($) {  
 var defaultOptions = {    // Pre-define some default option values.
  loadingOnly  : false,
  placeHolderURL : null,
  newWidth  : 0,
  newHeight  : 0,
  fadeInSpeed  : 0,
  containerWidth : 0,
  containerHeight : 0,
  allowEnlarge : false,
  onComplete  : null,
  onFail   : null
    {return this.each(function(){return $.ajaxLoadImg(this,imgURL,options); });       },

    {return this.each(function(){return $.resizeImg(this,newWidth,newHeight,allowEnlarge); }); },

    {return this.each(function(){return $.alignImg(this,containerWidth,containerHeight); });   }
 $.ajaxLoadImg = function(loadingImg,imgURL,opt){
  loadingImg = $(loadingImg);
  if(typeof(imgURL) != 'string' || imgURL == opt.placeHolderURL) return loadingImg;   // If it is not an image or imgURL is not set correctly, do nothing.
  opt = $.extend( {}, defaultOptions, opt);    // Use function opt to override default opt.
  loadingImg.load(loadingImgHandler).attr('loadingStatus','loading');   // Set the image status to be loading (in progress).   
  var newImg = $('').load(newImgHandler).error(newImgHandler).bind('abort',newImgHandler);        // Create an new Image object.
  !opt.loadingOnly && opt.placeHolderURL    ?
   newImg.attr('src',opt.placeHolderURL) : newImg.attr('src',imgURL);
  return loadingImg;
  function newImgHandler(e){
   if(newImg.attr('src') == opt.placeHolderURL)   // Finish loading the placeholder image
   }else{             // Finish loading the target image 
    if(e.type == 'abort' || e.type == 'error')   //Loading the  target image but failed
    else if(opt.loadingOnly)
     newImg.unbind('load').unbind('error').unbind('abort'); // Some cleanup work
     newImg = null;
  function loadingImgHandler(e){
   if(loadingImg.attr('src') == opt.placeHolderURL)
   else if(loadingImg.attr('src')  == imgURL)

     opt.fadeInSpeed ? loadingImg.fadeIn(opt.fadeInSpeed) : loadingImg.show();
     loadingImg.unbind('load').unbind('error').unbind('abort'); // Some cleanup work
  objImg = $(objImg);
  var imgWidth = objImg.width();
  var imgHeight = objImg.height();
  if(!imgWidth || !imgHeight || !newWidth || !newHeight)  
   return objImg;
  var hRatio,wRatio,Ratio = 1;
  wRatio = newWidth / imgWidth;
  hRatio = newHeight / imgHeight;   
  Ratio = (wRatio<=hRatio?wRatio:hRatio);
  if (Ratio > 1 && !allowEnlarge)
         Ratio = 1;
  return objImg.width(imgWidth * Ratio).height(imgHeight * Ratio);
  objImg = $(objImg);
  if(!objImg.height() || !objImg.width())
   return objImg;   
  if(objImg.height() < containerHeight - 1)
   objImg.css('marginTop',(containerHeight - objImg.height())/2 + 'px');

  if(objImg.width()  < containerWidth  - 1)
   objImg.css('margin-left',(containerWidth - objImg.width())/2 + 'px');
  return objImg;   


